Fractal Artwork

New Artwork  These florals were created using Apophysis 3D Hack. The individual flames were rendered as PNG transparencies and then layered to create the finished artwork.

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Mandalas have become a recent area of interest.  Mandala  is a Sanskrit word that means "circle".  They date back to a time before recorded history. Mandalas consist of various geometric designs symbolizing the universe.  They are used mainly in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation.
Renowned Psychoanalyst, Carl Jung saw the mandala as "a representation of the unconscious self," and believed his paintings of mandalas aided him in identifying emotional disorders.  They were used as a tool to create "wholeness of the personality."
The circle is the most natural form known to mankind. The universe is made up of planets, stars, moons and the sun---all spherical in shape. The sun rises and sets in a never-ending circle; seasons pass in an annual circle. Trees, rocks and raindrops are circular, and most fruits and flowers are spherical. The cells and atoms that make up everything within the universe are circular.   More on the significance of Mandalas

To browse Mandalas click on the "plus" sign on the right hand side of the filmstrip above.  View individual images in various sizes on Flickr


Judie said...

Patty, this art is amazing! I haven't a clue how you do it, and I've seen absolutely nothing like this in Tucson. It is just beautiful!

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