Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Journey Out and In

Back in January I started on a body of work based on the Moody Blues song "Out and In". My sister and I had discussed how the concept could be translated into a photographic medium (for an exhibit that she is doing).

The first few pieces were cathartic and helped me to process some recent life changing events. These were inspired by my son (Michael), my friend (Carolyn), my sister (Debbie) and my recently departed Uncle Joe. When I heard of the untimely death of the eldest son of a very dear friend the idea was finally crystal clear. Even as a teenager, he was incredibly spiritual. The journey "Out and In" became an obsession and the creative process went into overdrive. I have a sense that I was guided by him and as a result, many of these fractals are dedicated to his memory. Each work carries the title of a Moody Blues song. I always found their music very thought provoking. Thank you Dusan for giving me the clarity and courage to delve into myself after taking a close look at what is outside and around me. I now feel reconnected to everything and understand the meaning of the journey "Out and In".

“Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.” ~ Inuit Proverb

This is the video rendition of the journey put to the music of the Moody Blues tune "Out and In".


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