Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mandala ~ Inspired by Peter, Paul and Mary

Fractal representations of modern day mandalas. Inspiration came while listening to old albums and downloading old folk songs for my husband. I rediscovered this song in my vinyl collection and began to search for its meaning. Mandala had been misspelled as Mandela so it made the search a bit more intriguing. In general all mandalas have outer and inner meanings. On the outer level, they represent the world in its divine form; and on the inner level, they represent a map by which the ordinary human mind is transformed into an enlightened mind. The fractals were created using Apophysis, Oxidizer and Tierazon. The song has haunted me for the last week and propelled some unprecedented creative activity. One of my all time favourites from Peter, Paul and Mary.
Visit for more information on one of our most influential folk singing groups.


Unknown said...

Very nice to read about the thought behind your work.

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